The Joy of
Green Stuff

Watch the green stuff master create.

Quirky ASMR, masterful molding.


Perceive personally a peculiar person precisely perforating putty, producing picturesque projects of particular pulchritude.

So sit back, pour yourself a drink, and put on the smooth jazz. Chill out to the soothing sounds of Obadiah’s sweet sweet ASMR green stuff sculpting.

The Green Stuff Guru.


Obadiah. Nehemiah.

Not content with the range of pewter Sisters of Battle that GW produced for so long, Obadiah took to the putty and masterfully converted scores of amazing and unique miniatures for his own army.

From there, he’s taken his talent to other games, applying his own unique talents to a variety of games. Some call him a genius, other think he’s a mad man, but nobody doubts his prowess with a little green stuff between his fingers.

Lately, Obi’s picked up 3d sculpting in zbrush, creating unique promotional miniatures for tournaments and other communities.